basic error of speculative philosophy, 48–50
existentialism and, 328
feeling and thought, 439
Jacobi enamored with, 282
Jacobi's criticism of, 157
Kant enamored with, 282
modern tendency toward, 22
personality and, 201
reason and, 40, 360
sensibility and, 40
speculation and, 48
timeless causal succession, 345
universals as products of, 43, 48
Academicians, 36
action, 22, 83, 84, 317, 440
Adorno, Theodor W., 81
Aenesidemus Review (Fichte), 389
Aesthetica in nuce (Hamann), 270, 276
aesthetics, 416–18, 419
Against Mendelssohn's Accusations Regarding the Letters Concerning the Friends (Jacobi), 69
Ages of the World (Schelling), 171
Alexis (Hemsterhuis), 237, 241
Alleinphilosophie, 72
Allwill (Jacobi), 45, 272, 435–41
animals, nonhuman, 180
Aristée (Hemsterhuis), 233, 238, 240
Aristotle, 58, 185
atheism, 151, 172, 214, 234
atheism controversy (Atheismusstreit), 22, 48, 137, 193–95, 213
Aufklärung and Aufklärer. see Enlightenment
Ayrault, Roger, 241
Baader, Franz von, 180
Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 269
Being. see also existence
creation and, 428
God as absolute ground of, 407
Hamann's Original Being, 285
Heidegger's formula of existence, 326–27
Hölderlin's Absolute Being, 349, 411
intuition and, 411
Spinoza on, 74, 78, 79, 428
things as semblances of, 428–29
Beiser, Frederick C., 337
belief. see also faith
certainty and faith, 96, 119
Flatt on, 347–50, 359
general conception of, 94–96
Hamann's influence on Jacobi, 271
Hume on, 94, 100
Jacobi's avoidance of dogmatism and Pyrrhonism, 348
Jacobi's definition of, 433
sentiment and, 34
in Spinoza Letters, 95, 388
Spinoza on, 95
Berlin, Isaiah, 237
Boehme, Jacob, 181
Bonnet, Charles, 236, 250–55, 256, 258–60
Brucker, J. J., 149
Brunel, Pierre Jean, 228
Bulle, Ferdinand, 240
Camerer, Johann Caspar, 348
abstraction and, 345
change implied by, 338
as concept of action, 83
critique of Jacobi's, 336–37, 340–45, 351
Flatt's deduction of, 342–44, 345, 352–54, 357
generation and, 346
God and freedom, 177–79
Jacobi's interpretation of, 82
Kant's deduction of, 346
Leibniz-Wolffian concept of, 342–43
logical deduction and, 141, 336, 341
reason and, 82, 341, 342, 345
synthetic principle, 343
temporality and, 342–45
transcendental objects and, 338, 344
causality implies, 338
creation and God, 53
in Flatt, 352–54
freedom to, 353
in transcendental objects, 338, 353
self's stability through, 322, 330
soul as unchanging, 338
Christ. see also Christianity, see also God
divine character hidden in humans, 158
hidden in the heart, 296
Jacobi's conception of, 221–22, 226
as moral ideal, 154, 156, 157
Christianity, 137–60, 212–28, see also belief, see also faith, see also God, see also religion, see also revelation, see also theism, see also theology
Catholic theology and Jacobi, 222–24
crypto-Catholic fideism, 65
Flatt and, 358
Hölderlin and, 358
idealism vs realism in Jacobi, 156–60
Jacobi's existential realism, 139–44
Jacobi's faith in the logos, 388
Jacobi's immediate certainty, 215–19
Jacobi's reinterpretation of, 221–22, 226
Jacobi's supersensible reality, 144–51
Jacobi's theological controversies, 137
morality in, 154
philosophy and positive religion in Jacobi, 151–56
Protestant theology and Jacobi, 212–15, 224–28
rationalism incompatibility, 165
as a tasting and a seeing, 295
theism and spiritualism of, 138
Clarke, Samuel, 116
Claudius, Matthias, 138, 272, 290
community, 359, 437, 444
The Concept of Anxiety (Kierkegaard), 315
Concerning the Doctrine of Spinoza in Letters to Herr Moses Mendelssohn (Spinoza Letters) (Jacobi)
about, 64–65
Aristée in, 238
Bonnetian themes in, 260
consciousness and existence, 331
debate with Mendelssohn, 67
on faith and belief, 95, 96, 238, 378–80, 385, 387
feeling of being, 104
Forster's impact on, 31
Hemsterhuis's role in, 232–35, 238, 260
historicity in, 248–52, 255
intellect and individuation, 87
Kierkegaard's familiarity with, 301
Lessing and divinity, 212
pietism in, 433
reason and rationality, 51, 55
reception of, 64, 289, 341–42
revealing existence through philosophy, 47
Concluding Unscientific Postscript (Kierkegaard), 301, 304, 323
consciousness. see also self
arises from the infinite, 418–20
feeling of being vs, 104
of freedom, 84, 147
of God, 165, 421
Jacobi's definition of, 119, 320
life and existence, 142, 320, 331, 332
personality and personhood, 102, 320
religious consciousness, 222–27
self-consciousness, 144, 317
in transcendental philosophy, 320
correspondence of Jacobi
Diderot, Denis, 237
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 30, 38, 47, 49
Forster, Georg, 31, 35
Princess Gallitzin, 45, 52, 235
Hamann, Johann Georg, 54, 268, 272, 282, 290–94
Hemsterhuis, François, 104, 235, 246
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 41, 53
Kant, Immanuel, 111
Kleuker, Johann Friedrich, 32, 33, 53
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 69, 75, 250, 428
Mendelssohn, Moses, 41, 55, 67, 250, 257, 289, 432
Paul, Jean, 266
Reimarus, Johann Albert Heinrich, 45
Reinhold, Karl Leonhard, 38, 50
creation, 53, 182, 278, 286, 344, 428
creativity, 117
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 193, 400
Crystal-Clear Report (Fichte), 367
Daedalus, 39
Dasein, 326, 351
David Hume on Faith (Jacobi)
on consciousness and personhood, 320
consultation of Sextus Empiricus, 32
critique of pure reason, 56–60
on faith and belief, 34, 114, 378, 386
Flatt's critique of, 341
God in, 157
Hamann and, 290
indirect realism, 97
intellect and individuation, 88
Jacobi-Schelling debate, 165, 174
nature as God's ground rejected, 181
preoccupation with Spinoza, 73
skepticism in, 34
Denkmal der Schrift von den göttlichen Dingen (Schelling), 167, 174, 182
Descartes, René, 52, 142, 247
Dialectic of Enlightenment (Horkheimer and Adorno), 81
Diderot, Denis, 237
Diez, Immanuel, 355
disjunctivism, 98
docta ignorantia, 31
Doctrine of Faith (Schleiermacher), 225
dogma and dogmatism, 32, 37, 51, 164, 312, 350
double/dual philosophy, 72, 83, 308–12, 312–16, 319, 325
dualism, 57, 182, 198, 402, 403
Duns Scotus, 122
Either/Or (Kierkegaard), 330
empiricism, 93–102
belief and, 94–96
Hume vs Jacobi, 100–102
impressions over ideas, 93–94
of Jacobi, 359
mind and, 93–102
perception in Jacobi, 96–101
Encyclopaedia (Hegel), 361
Aufklärung and Aufklärer, 22, 38, 42, 274
critique of, 21, 42, 274
crypto-Catholic fideism and Jacobi, 65
dark core of, 269, 272
nihilism of, 269, 272
pantheism controversy and, 21
reason and rationalism, 22, 59, 274
theological Enlightenment, 156
annihilation of objective reality, 198
correcting image of Jacobi and, 74
enthusiasm controversy, 257
in Hemsterhuis, 237–43, 253
intuition and, 239, 242
Jacobi's definition, 196–98
in Kant, 401
logical enthusiasm, 201, 196–203
nihilism and, 198, 196–203
reason and genius, 126
religious enthusiasm, 431
salto mortale and, 127
understanding's propensity for, 196–98
Epicureanism, 37
Die Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts (Lessing), 258
Ethics (Spinoza), 64, 68–70, 75, 95, 293
eudemonism, 355
evil, 179–82, 183
existence. see also life, see also Being
consciousness and, 142, 331
effect of essence, 287
existential realism in Jacobi, 139–44
freedom and, 142, 332
German Idealism and Jacobi, 304
ground vs, 180
in Hegel, 443
in Heidegger, 326–27
immediate certainty of, 228
individuality and personality, 319
Jacobi's unveiling of, 331, 351
in Kierkegaard, 323–24, 328–31
Kierkegaard vs Jacobi's life, 303, 304–7
life and, 303, 324
meaning of time, 141
nihilistic view in existentialism, 327–29
philosophy's purpose and, 304
reason and, 152
revealed through philosophy, 47
self and, 102–7, 326–27
existentialism, 299–332, see also Kierkegaard, Søren
abstraction and, 328
double philosophy, 308–16
freedom and, 331–32
German Idealism and Jacobi, 299–303
Hamann's critique of Jacobi, 291
inwardness, 316–19
Jacobi as first existentialist, 274
Kierkegaard's influence on, 326, 327
negativism, 325–27
nihilism, 326–29
personhood, 319–23
rational thought vs existential thought, 305–8
striving, 323–25
unveiling existence, 303–8, 331–32
vocation of man, 329–31
faith. see also belief
abstraction's subversion of, 22
in Allwill, 436
in Aristée, 238
certainty and belief, 96, 119
in David Hume, 114, 378, 386
in the external world, 385–87
fatalism and mechanism vs, 111–14
Fichte on, 378
first principles based on, 381, 385
freedom and, 110, 112–14
Hamann and, 269, 271, 276–79, 296
Hemsterhuis on, 238–39
Jacobi vs Schlegel, 420
Jacobi-Fichte relationship and, 365–70, 378, 382–84, 386–87, 389
Jacobi's definition of, 212, 215, 378–80, 383, 433
Jacobi's not-unphilosophical faith in God, 191, 203–10
Kant on, 128–32
Kierkegaard on, 329
knowledge and, 380, 420
moral faith, 131
reason and, 120–23, 137, 217, 223, 277
salto mortale, 112
sense experience and, 113
in Spinoza Letters, 96, 238, 378–80, 385, 387
tastes and sees, 296
Faith and Knowledge (Hegel), 302
fatalism, 165, 177–82, 430
Fear and Trembling (Kierkegaard), 329
as abstractive, 439
of being, 104
continuity with reason, 120
in Hamann, 269, 270
moral law and, 129
perception and, 91, 140
self-feeling of our own existence, 102–7
Fichte Studien (Novalis), 408
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. see also Jacobi-Fichte relationship
on action and certainty, 319
atheism controversy, 194
correspondence with Jacobi, 30, 38, 47, 49
critique of rational theology, 194
Doctrine of Science, 140, 151
end of reason is an eternal progress, 358
faith and scientific knowledge, 380
German Romanticism, 397, 408–13
Hegel's critique of, 358
holistic thinking, 78
I/Not-I relationship, 372–77
idealism of, 143, 299, 398
Kierkegaard on, 313–15, 316–19
nihilism, 49, 79, 151, 198, 314
on philosophy's essence, 48, 314, 368, 388–90
practical reason privileged, 307
on religion, 47, 367–68
Spinoza and, 76–77, 312, 382
spirit and, 311
subjectivity and philosophy of "I", 317–19, 321, 372–77, 397
synthetic method, 371–77, 381, 382
systematic Spinozism, 382
the transcendental, 162, 398
Wissenschaftslehre, 30, 47, 72, 79, 368, 381
Aenesidemus Review, 389
Crystal-Clear Report, 367
Foundation of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre, 369–70, 372, 380, 386
"From a Private Letter (January 1800)", 371
Grundriss, 372
On the Concept of the Wissenschaftslehre, 383
Second Introduction to the Wissenschaftslehre, 384
The System of Ethics in accordance with the Wissenschaftslehre, 321
Über den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre, 383
The Vocation of Man, 307, 311, 321, 366, 368
The Way to the Blessed Life, 366
fideism, 65, 212
final causes/ends, 115–17
Flatt, Johann Friedrich
on belief, 346–50, 358
on causality, 342–44, 345, 352–54, 357
on change and variation, 354, 352–54
Christianity and, 358
critique of Kant, 338, 353, 358
critique of Spinoza Letters, 341–42
engagement with Jacobi, 336–37, 340, 341, 340–45, 351
on generation and philosophy, 346, 352
Hegel influenced by, 340, 359–61
Hölderlin influenced by, 337, 349
human nature, 352–54
physico-theological proof of God, 357
principle of grounding, 352–54
stirring interest in Spinoza, 340
temporality, 352
third way in philosophy, 337, 339–44
Fragmentarische Beyträge zur Bestimmung und Deduktion…, 339
Forberg, Friedrich Karl, 193
Forster, Georg, 30–31, 35
Foundation of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre (Fichte), 369–70, 372, 380, 386
Fragmentarische Beyträge zur Bestimmung und Deduktion… (Flatt), 339
absolute vs conditioned, 147, 332
causality and, 177–79
change in transcendental objects, 338, 353
consciousness of, 84, 147
existence and consciousness of, 142, 332
faith and, 110, 112–14
genius and creative freedom, 270
God and, 112–14, 120, 147–48, 177–79
in Hegel, 315, 357
intrinsic to reality, 117
Kant's doctrine of, 338
love and, 219–20
miracle and, 114
reason and, 112, 118, 180
subverted by abstraction, 22
supernatural and, 120
system and, 83, 170, 300, 309, 311
to think, 125
Freedom Essay (Schelling), 170, 174, 177–82
Fries, Jacob Friedrich, 226
"From a Private Letter (January 1800)" (Fichte), 371
Princess Gallitzin, 45, 52, 235
genius, 125, 270
German Idealism, 336–61, see also idealism, see also Flatt, Johann Friedrich
belief and, 347–50
causality, 344–47
contextualizing Jacobi in Flatt, 336–39
Flatt's critique of Jacobi, 359–61
Flatt's third way in philosophy, 339–44
grounding principle, 352–54
Jacobi on philosophy and existence, 304
Jacobi's influence on Kant, 299
physico-theological proof of God, 357–59
Rapp, 354–57
skepticism and Jacobi, 350–51
Gespräch über die Poesie (Schlegel), 412
"Glauben und Wissen" (Hegel), 340, 355, 359
God. see also belief, see also Christ, see also Christianity, see also faith, see also religion, see also theism
absolute ground of divine Being, 407
causality and, 177–79
in Clarke, 116
consciousness of, 165, 420
contains nature and the self, 409
in David Hume, 157
Fichte's doctrine of, 388–90
final causes and, 115
freedom and, 112–14, 120, 147–48, 177–79
good and goodness, 146, 152
Hamann's Original Being, 285
in human acts and works, 147–48
image of, 221–22, 281
as intelligent volitional creator, 113
intuition and, 166
Jacobi's immediate certainty of, 215–19
Jacobi's relationship with, 47, 148, 156, 431
Johannine tradition of, 390
Kant and proof of, 74
in Locke, 116
logical deduction and, 137
logical enthusiasm and, 201
moral experience, 219
nature and, 164, 174, 182–87, 227, 409
Naturphilosophie and, 165–66
not-unphilosophical faith in, 191, 203–10
Novalis on, 409
perception of, 144
as person, 139
personality and intellect of, 89, 102, 117, 146, 181, 187, 202
physico-theological proof of, 357
pure reason, 59, 117, 278, 284, 390
rational theology and, 194–95, 199, 201–3
reason and, 59, 165, 207, 277
in Schelling, 152, 173, 184
source of higher faculties, 115–17
in Spinoza, 152, 410
subjectivity and Not-I, 391
the understanding and, 206
theistic attributes and atheism, 151
as transcendental object, 353
truth and, 146
unchangeable nature, 53
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 65, 73, 264–65, 425, 430, 442
Gravesande, Willem, 254
Grundriss (Fichte), 372