Jolanta N. Komornicka

  • Specializing in the academic humanities and social sciences
  • 10+ years teaching experience in higher education
  • Co-President of the Indexing Society of Canada/ Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI)
  • Co-Chair of the Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph Twig of Editors Canada
  • Member of ISC/SCI, American Society for Indexing, History and Archaeology Indexers, Editors Canada, Editorial Freelancers Association


Editorial Training, Toronto Metropolitan University
PhD in History, Boston University
MA in History, Boston University
BA in History-Literature, Reed College

Recent Experience

Instructor of Indexing, Library Juice Academy2024–Present
Co-Chair, Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph Twig, Editors Canada2024–Present
Co-President, Indexing Society of Canada2022–Present
Freelance Indexer, Copyeditor, and Proofreader2021–Present
Assistant Professor of History, St. Jerome’s University2017–2020
Lecturer in History, University of Virginia2013–2017
Visiting Professor of History, Wheaton University (MA)2012–2013


Experience in traditional back-of-book and embedded indexing (Word and InDesign) for trade and scholarly publications. Specialization in academic humanities and social sciences, particularly history, literature, military studies, sociology, and philosophy. Experience with multi-volume and multi-author works.

Editing and Proofreading

Experience in copyediting, line editing, and proofreading for academic texts and books—including journal articles, reviews, and theses—as well as fiction and trade books. Strong knowledge of major style guides, including Chicago Manual of Style, 18th ed., APA, 7th ed., and MLA, 9th ed. Copyeditor for H-France Review and Journal of the Midwest Modern Languages Association. Copyeditor and proofreader for the Bulletin (ISC/SCI) and proofreader for Key Words (ASI). Formerly, continuity editor for Choice of Games and proofreader for Architectural Histories. Former Production Editor for Zoetic Press, copyediting and proofreading for the literary magazine NonBinary Review.


Experience teaching university-level courses in history at flagship institutions. Wrote and delivered lectures, facilitated discussions, designed assessments, and mentored students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Proven track record of clear communication and investment in research-driven pedagogy.

Talks and Articles


“The first indexes? Eusebius’s canon tables.” The Indexer vol. 41, no. 4 (December 2023): 395-402.

“The Index of Forbidden Books: is it an index?” The Indexer vol. 41, no. 2 (June 2023): 191-98.

“Letter to the editor.” The Indexer vol. 41, no. 2 (June 2023): 199-201.

“William Lost-His-Pants and more fun with indexing medieval names.” The Indexer vol. 42, no. 1 (March 2024): 19-31.


“Indexers.” Talk co-written and co-presented with Alexandra Peace, for non-indexers.

“William Lost-His-Pants.” See Also Newfoundland, ISC/SCI Conference 2023.

Professional Development

“Creating and Maintaining Speed in Indexing” (ASI)

Editing Conferences (EC)

“Editing Experiences: Learn from Four Traditionally Published Authors” (Editors Canada)

“How to Create Brilliantly Structured Indexes” (ASI)

Indexers Book Group (ISC/SCI)

Indexing Conferences (ISC, ASI, SI)

“Indexing the Queen of Sciences–Indexing Theology” (ASI)

“Introduction to Abstracting” (ASI)

“New Indexers Workshop” (ASI)

“NISO Standards” (ISC/SCI)

“Read Like an Editor” (IPEd)

Professional Memberships

American Society for Indexing

Editors Canada

History/Archaeology Indexers

Indexing Society of Canada

Editorial Freelancers Association

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