A Closer Look at Jolanta N. Komornicka
I am senior co-president of the Indexing Society of Canada/Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI). I come to the publishing world from academia, as an Assistant Professor of History. My specialty, and my continuing passion, is the Middle Ages. I’m unlikely to turn down any project that even tangentially touches on the medieval world or history more broadly. My years of experience researching and teaching have given me familiarity with History’s neighbouring fields of Anthropology, Theology, Religious Studies, Literature, and Archaeology.

My primary work is with my individual clients and presses, but I am also the copy editor for the Journal of the Midwest Modern Languages Association (JMMLA) and I edit for H-France. I have worked as the Production Editor at Zoetic Press, as a copy editor and proofreader for Architectural Histories, and as a continuity editor at Choice of Games. I currently copy edit for The Bulletin for ISC/SCI and proofread for it and Key Words from the American Society for Indexing.
I have a wide range of interests, from Dungeons & Dragons to hiking to travelling. An avid gamer, I am always looking for clients working on roleplaying, strategy, and text-based adventure games, or within established game settings. I thoroughly enjoy a good explanation of a specialist subject for the non-specialist reader, especially in history, the hard sciences, mathematics, and ecology. My years unpacking weighty academic monographs and journal articles for students served as on-the-job training for plain language, which I now study and apply as a copy editor.
I have trained in copy editing, line editing, stylistic editing, medical editing, proofreading, and indexing–primarily through Toronto Metropolitan (was, Ryerson) University–while supplementing my course work with niche professional development sessions from Editors Canada, the Indexing Society of Canada, the American Society of Indexers, and the American Medical Writers Association. I have also received training in ESL and have worked extensively with graduate students writing in English as a non-primary language.